31 maio 2006
28 maio 2006
Thee emeralds
"(...) I'll protect you from the hooded claw
Keep the vampires from your door (...)"

So long from time,
So far away from space,
So apart from us…
And I’ve founded you… when I found me… when I found us!
Sweet enchanted night …
My unexpected guest…
Will I see you again? Will I ever find you again?
Who are you?
…Now, once again, I can rest in this memory of you…
25 maio 2006
24 maio 2006
Entre tantas... Alucinação 2ª

"Finally... perhaps"
"…And then she wakes… - damn it’s night already, she thinks – her body moves in the slowly and lethargic movement of who is still sleepy… Her skin grazes another skin… - damn you’re here again, she thinks…
A glimpse at the pulse watch warns her that is late already; it’s time to start another night.
Two bodies lift up self-acting by the hour or by the situation… they lift up letting behind the bed where, not long ago, they were living that dream.
It’s time! A coffee, a cigarette, some cheap talk… I’ll see you – she says. Meet you later – he answers. I don’t know why you keep on lying – She thinks.
Later arrives… no one shows up… I knew it! Why do I keep on thinking this time will be different? – She thinks.
Later passes by… and tomorrow… and the day after tomorrow… no one shows up.
In a night, in some other night they will meet again, they will wake up together again, who knows… in some other night until the night in which she will admit that nothing is ever going to change… until the night she accepts that so much just isn’t enough!...
… She’s free then… "
16 maio 2006
07 maio 2006
Entre tantas...Alucinação 1ª
"Disturbed wishing..."

between the lights of another lost night,
deep down into the builted dream,
in the noise of that surrounding mute crowd.
To find you…
in the pleasure of an half empty glass,
in the silence of that abandoned bar,
in that soul’s gratification.
To hold you…
and between the alcohol’s taste and the drug’s hallucination,
have you mine one more time,
die with you this one time.
And fall asleep like a scared child…
certain that tomorrow you will no longer exist,
uncertain about your return,
and wishing for that next night.
When you lose yourself between battles and castles, this silence can be so sweet, loneliness can be so cherished… and you can gain so much in losing…
…because limits are such a wonderful thing to test!...
Just miss you… just don’t want you."
06 maio 2006

It gets you every timeYou put your lips to her lips
To stop the lie
Her skin is pale like God's only dove
Screams like an angel for your love
Then she makes you watch her from above
And you need her like a drug
She wears my love like a see-through dress
Her lips say one thing
Her movements something else
Oh love...like a screaming flower
Love... dying every hour... (...)"
02 maio 2006
de amar os teus olhos que são doces
Porque nada te poderei dar senão a mágoa
de me veres eternamente exausto
No entanto a tua presença é qualquer coisa
como a luz e a vida
E eu sinto que em meu gesto existe o teu gesto
e em minha voz a tua voz
Não te quero ter porque
em meu ser está tudo terminado.
Quero só que surjas em mim
como a fé nos desesperados
Para que eu possa levar uma gota de orvalho
nesta terra amaldiçoada
Que ficou sobre a minha carne
como uma nódoa do passado.
Eu deixarei... tu irás e encostarás
a tua face em outra face
Teus dedos enlaçarão outros dedos
e tu desabrocharás para a madrugada
Mas tu não saberás que quem te colheu fui eu,
porque eu fui o grande íntimo da noite
Porque eu encostei a minha face
na face da noite e ouvi a tua fala amorosa
Porque meus dedos enlaçaram os dedos
da névoa suspensos no espaço
E eu trouxe até mim a misteriosa essência
do teu abandono desordenado.
Eu ficarei só
como os veleiros nos portos silenciosos
Mas eu te possuirei mais que ninguém
porque poderei partir
E todas as lamentações do mar,
do vento, do céu, das aves, das estrelas
Serão a tua voz presente, a tua voz ausente,
a tua voz serenizada."
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