(…) I refuse to sicken because it would make my enemies healthier; I refuse to break off relations with any worthwhile companion because, if I did, it would make other’s loneliness more bearable. I refuse my sorrow to be know, for my sorrow is another’s joy. (…)
It is irony that the only times I have progressed is when I have hurt someone else? (…and could it be true the other way around, I mean, is it my pain that makes someone else’s progress?) Or does evil really conquer good at the end? It appears that evil (fear) is the prime mover, while goodness is stagnation (…) evil creates action and reaction. (…)
“Because people need people” (…) I need persons – certain persons, not people. The word people has achieved an egalitarian connotation I find repugnant.
(…) Therefore, stay close to reality, and never send to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls because someone is being paid to pull the rope.”
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