27 dezembro 2006

The moment

Did you ever notice that, in life, for each moment of true happiness you achieve to live you’ll experience a longer time of sadness?
Let me make it clear to you.
Each one of us has different needs and cares which, when fulfill, leads us to live what is usually call happiness… I mean that precise moment in which time seems to stand still by some crystallized space of the deepest emotions… that short amount of time in which we say: “I could stay here forever”… that moment of happiness!
I’m sure all of you can remember a moment like that… and I’m also sure that, when you close your eyes, you can still feel it as if, by magic, you could turn back time. Now think of each one of those past moments… and now think and feel the suffering you’ve experienced after each one of it… that suffering you wouldn’t have felt if you haven’t lived that moment… tricky isn’t it?
Do I start to make myself clear?
The moments I’m talking about leads us to experience physical and psychological sensations which we keep on needing; they make us experience feelings which we will want to keep forever… although, none of us would ever need those sensations and feelings if we haven’t experienced it.
This way, life becomes an unstopping search in order to recover lost feelings…we are now stucked in an endless circle… happiness, sadness, search! And you turn into a graveyard of broken dreams and broken hopes… holding on to something you can’t ever achieve.
Wouldn’t it be easier if we were never sad? This is, never happy?
At this point, if you are able to understand me, we can easily conclude that, happiness’s passing trough nature and its inevitable consequences change life into a deep, sad and masochist episode which, carried to its extreme, can be pointed as the ultimate cause for suicide… I killed myself not ‘cause I’m sad but because I was once happy!
Think about it… do you still wanna be happy?
Neither do I.

23 dezembro 2006

Nightmare before Christmas

Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws
I wanna do it
Let's draw straws
Jack said we should work together
Three of a kind
Birds of a feather
Now and forever
WheeeeLa, la, la, la, la
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, lock him up real tight
Throw away the key and then
Turn off all the lights
First, we're going to set some bait
Inside a nasty trap and wait
When he comes a-sniffing we will
Snap the trap and close the gate
Wait! I've got a better plan
To catch this big red lobster man
Let's pop him in a boiling pot
And when he's done we'll butter him up
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Throw him in a box
Bury him for ninety years
Then see if he talks
Then Mr. Oogie Boogie Man
Can take the whole thing over then
He'll be so pleased, I do declare
That he will cook him rare
I say that we take a cannon
Aim it at his door
And then knock three times
And when he answers
Sandy Claws will be no more
You're so stupid, think now
lf we blow him up to smithereens
We may lose some pieces
And then Jack will beat us black and green
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Tie him in a bag
Throw him in the ocean
Then, see if he is sad
Because Mr. Oogie Boogie is the meanest guy around
If I were on his Boogie list, I'd get out of town
He'll be so pleased by our success
That he'll reward us too, I bet
Perhaps he'll make his special brew
Of snake and spider stew
We're his little henchmen and
We take our job with pride
We do our best to please him
And stay on his good side (...)
I've got something, listen now
This one is real good, you'll see
We'll send a present to his door
Upon there'll be a note to read
Now, in the box we'll wait and hide
Until his curiosity entices him to look inside (...)
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, beat him with a stick
Lock him up for ninety years, see what makes him tick
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, chop him into bits
Mr. Oogie Boogie is sure to get his kicks
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, see what we will see
Lock him in a cage and then, throw away the key"
***Have a great dark Christmas***

22 dezembro 2006

Still tired

21 dezembro 2006


"The pills and razor blade rest at my side
This is not the end but the beginning
I have had my low points
I have taken a few pills in the past
Only to obliterate the world from my mind
A few moments of peace
Before everything comes crashing down
Disjointed memories of an ambulance and a hospital
Drifting in and out of consciousness (...)
I have taken all that this world can throw at me
The pills and razor blade still rest at my side
But they are not going to see any action tonight
It is a night of silent contemplation
I put everything back in their proper place (...)
The pills and razor blade will always be there
My silent friends who lead me into darkness
I am ready to stare into the light
At least for one more day."

19 dezembro 2006


Then I need to fall alone
'n to die a little more...
The shinning darkness,
The smiling tear,
The silent scream,
The endless nights,
The life in death…

Dark boots,
Black nails,
Disguised look,
Darkest kisses,
Bloody tears…

Bring it back to me!

Stop this sanity… I just hate it!
Can you hear me?

15 dezembro 2006

Remains of the day

''The story is: a tragic tale of romance, passion and murder most of all.(...)

- Give me a listen you corpses of cheer
Leastles of you who still got an ear
I'll tell you a story make a skeleton cry
Of our own jubiliciously lovely corpse bride
- Die, die we all pass away
But don't wear a frown cuz it's really okay
And you might try 'n' hide
And you might try 'n' pray
But we all end up the remains of the day

- Well our girl is a beauty known for miles around
When a mysterious stranger came into town
He's plenty good lookin', but down on his cash
And our poor little baby, she fell hard and fast
When her daddy said no, she just couldn't cope
So our lovers came up with a plan to elope
So they conjured up a plan to meet late at night
They told not a soul, kept the whole thing tight
Now her mother's wedding dress fit like a glove
You don't need much when you're really in love
Except for a few things, or so I'm told
Like the family jewls and a sachel of gold
Then next to the grave yard by the old oak tree
On a dark foggy night at a quarter to three
She was ready to go, but where was he?
-And then?
- She waited
- And then?
- There in the shadows, was it the man?
- And then?
- Het little heart beat so loud
- And then?
- And then baby, everything went black
Now when she opened her eyes she was dead as dust
Her jewls were missin' and her heart was bust
So she made a vow lyin' under that tree
That she'd wait for her true love to come set her free
Always waiting for someone to ask for her hand
When out of the blue comes this groovy young man
Who vows forever to be by her side
And that's the story of our own .''

13 dezembro 2006


''(...) Without the mask where will you hide
Can't find yourself lost in your lie (...)''

09 dezembro 2006

Assim falou Zaratustra

“ (…) É noite: falam mais alto, agora, todas as fontes borbulhantes.
E também a minha alma é uma fonte borbulhante.
É noite: somente agora despertam todos os cantos dos que amam.
E também a minha alma é o canto de alguém que ama.
Há qualquer coisa insaciada, insaciável, em mim; e quer erguer a voz.
Um anseio de amor, há em mim, que fala a própria linguagem do amor.
Eu sou luz; ah, fosse eu noite!
Mas esta é a minha solidão: que estou circundado de luz.
Ah, fosse eu escuro e nocturno!
Como desejaria sugar os seios da luz!
E até vós desejaria abençoar, pequenos astros cintilantes e vaga-lumes, lá no alto! - e ser feliz com as vossas dádivas de luz.
Mas eu vivo na minha própria luz, sorvo de volta em mim as chamas que de mim rompem. (…)
Para onde foram as lágrimas dos meus olhos e o frouxel do meu coração? Ó solidão de todos os dadivosos! Ó silêncio de todos os que espalham luz!
Muitos sóis gravitam nos espaços vazios: falam, com sua luz, a tudo o que é escuro - como silenciam.
Oh, essa é a hostilidade da luz por tudo o que é luminoso: implacável percorre ela sua órbita.
Injusto, no fundo do seu coração, com tudo o que é luminoso; frio para com os outros sóis - assim segue, cada sol, o seu próprio caminho.
Como uma tempestade, percorrem os sóis, velozmente, suas órbitas: esse é o seu curso.
Seguem, inexoráveis, a sua vontade: é essa a sua frieza.
Ó seres escuros, nocturnos, somente vós criais o calor, aurindo-se dos corpos luminosos!
Somente vós bebeis o leite e o bálsamo dos seios de luz!
Ah, há gelo em volta de mim; queima-se minha mão tocando em gelo!
Ah, há uma sede, em mim, que almeja pela vossa sede!
É noite: ai de mim, que tenho de ser luz!
E sede do que é nocturno. E solidão!
É noite: como uma nascente, rompe em mim, agora, o meu desejo - e pede-me que fale.
É noite: falam mais alto, agora, todas as fontes borbulhantes. (…)”

05 dezembro 2006

'Baut the darkness

"There are times when I'm inconsolable
when the world around me becomes too much
and my demons come out to feast on me again
There are times when I'm hopeless
when I'm too lost to return home
and I don't need your comforting touch
I just need to be left alone to sit quietly in the dark
Don't offer me a friendly hand
nor a tender embrace of love
Just let me surround myself with shadows
and let my troubles eat me whole
Don't try to save me when I can't be saved
and keep your tender words for another day
a day when the tides of my heart have changed
and my soul flows the other way
But until that time remember that I love you
and that you're still the keeper of my heart
but for the moment love is not my friend
and your tender touch and sweetest smile
are like poison to my aching soul
So let me beLet me sit alone in the dark
Let me find comfort in forgotten lusts
Let me bandage my heart with solitude
and dry my tears with time
I know that you understand (...)"

02 dezembro 2006

A Fonte de Sangue

"Sinto por vezes que meu sangue corre em fluxos,
Assim qual uma fonte em rítmicos soluços.
Eu bem que o escuto numa súplica perdida,
Mas me tateio em vão em busca da ferida.
Pela cidade vai, como entre espessos buxos,
As lajes transformando em ilhas e repuxos,
Matando a sede em cada boca ressequida
E a paisagem deixando em púrpura tingida.
Muitas vezes pedi a um vinho caviloso
Aplacar por um dia o horror que me domina;
O vinho aguça o ouvido e os olhos ilumina!
Busquei então no amor um sono descuidoso;
Mas o amor para mim é um leito de suplício
Que a sede há de saciar a essas nifas do vício."